Join Ends of a Tube Using Kitchener Stitch

This technique is used for grafting two ends of a knitted tube, like in the Meitheal Headband pattern.

Materials required:

  • a knitted tube;

  • two sets of gauge-size circular knitting needles;

  • two removable stitch markers;

  • tapestry needle.

Remove marker from the end of the tube you just finished knitting — we will call it End A. 

Then with a gauge-size circular needle pick up the provisionally cast-on stitches (sts) from the other end of the tube — End B. Carefully, unzip the crochet chain. 

You should now have End A and End B sts on separate pairs of circular needles. 

Hold End A in your hands and divide the sts between the two needles so that when you hold the needles parallel, the first st of the round is on the Front needle that is closer to you, and the last st of the round is on the Back needle. Divide sts in the same way on End B. Each end of the tube will now have a Front and a Back needle. 

Leaving the length 4 times the circumference of the tube, break off working yarn (it should still be attached to End A). Thread the yarn through a tapestry needle. 

Making sure that the pattern on End A matches End B, graft your stitches in the round as follows:

1. Fold the knitted tube so that End A is closer to you.

2. Pick up the Front needle on End A and pick up the Back needle on End B. Hold the Front needle on End A parallel to the Back needle on End B. The Front needle on End A will be closer to you.

3. Place a removable stitch marker on the first st on the Front needle. Place another marker on the first st on the Back needle. 

4. Insert the tapestry needle knitwise into the first stitch on the Front needle (End A). Pull the working yarn through and slip the st off the needle. 

5. Insert the tapestry needle purlwise into the next st on the Front needle (End A). Pull the yarn through.

6. Insert the tapestry needle purlwise into the first st on the Back needle (End B). Pull the yarn through and slip the st off the needle. 

7. Insert the tapestry needle knitwise into the next st on the Back needle (End B), pull yarn through.

8. Repeat steps 4-7 until you have 1 st left on the Front needle and 1 st on the Back needle.

9. Insert the tapestry needle into the last st on the Front needle knitwise. Pull the yarn through and slip the st off the needle.

10. Insert the tapestry needle purlwise into the st that has the removable stitch marker on (End A). Pull the yarn through and tighten. Remove the marker.

11. Insert the tapestry needle purlwise into the st on the Back needle. Pull the yarn through and slip the st off the needle.

12. Insert the tapestry needle knitwise into the stitch that has a removable stitch marker on (End B). Pull the yarn through and tighten. Remove the marker.

Neaten up the seam and voila!

The above video by Knit Purl Hunter is very helpful if you need to visualise the above instructions.

This technique is used in the following design: